Dagger Ranch – 200 AU + 10 Horses + 150 Hd Yearling C/O

Aspect Ratio

Property Details

  • Price: $2,750,000
  • Acres: 21.52 ± Deeded AC & 57,517 ± USFS AC
  • Status: Off Market
  • Type: Ranches
  • County: Gila County
  • State: Arizona
  • City: Globe

Property Description

Located just east of Arizona’s Tall Pines to Desert Scenic Highway is the Dagger Ranch. This scenic ranch extends from the tall pines at the headwaters of Reynolds Creek to the saguaros along the Salt River. Ranging in elevation from 2600’ in the winter country to 7000’ for summer range offering rangeland rich in browse and a wide variety of grasses and forbs. The ranch headquarters (21.52+/- acres) includes a new ranch home (1,481 sf), currently under construction, that overlooks Cherry Creek with majestic views of Bull Mountain and the Sierra Anchas.

Improvements include newly designed and constructed steel working pens with a Priefert squeeze chute. Branding pens and water lots are thoughtfully located throughout the ranch. The ranch is very well watered with recently installed storage tanks, drinkers and extensive pipelines from springs and wells. Current ownership has cleaned 16 dirt tanks, installed 5 new solar pumps, replaced leathers on two windmills and renovated 3 springs.

Land Tenure – 21.52 +/- Deeded Acres – Gila County APN(s) 202-12-004A & 202-12-004B with 57,517 +/- Acre USFS Dagger Allotment

Carrying Capacity – 200 AU + 10 Horses and 150 head yearling carryover January through April

Elevation2600′-7000′ | Provides for mild seasons & excellent forage

Cattle – 200 Head of Well-Located Cattle Included

Forage – Variety of grasses includes multiple grama grass species such as Side-Oats & Black Grama; Curly Mesquite; and Bush Muhly. The browse is abundant and includes Mesquite, Palo Verde, Mormon Tea, Mountain Mahogany, Cliff Rose, False-Mesquite, Oak brush & Jojoba. Annuals include Globe Mallow, Menodora, 6-week grama, Foxtail & Filaree.

Water – Includes 16 dirt tanks, 4 springs, 9 wells with water storage, and extensive pipelines across the ranch.

Price – $2,750,000 – Submit All Offers

Please contact Kacie Tomerlin for your private tour 928-632-8979

Land Tenure

21.52 +/- Deeded Acres - Gila County APN(s) 202-12-004A & 202-12-004B with 57,517 +/- Acre USFS Dagger Allotment

Property Map

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